
Statistical analysis in ecohydrological and hydroclimatological sciences

I am to write lecture notes about this topic online just for fun and, if any, use by other colleagues from the internet. Internet is amazing! If not found in the internet, it is not real!

"Climatology is, to a large degree, the study of the statistics of our climate"--- Hans von Storch and Francis W. Zwiers

Text Books:
(1) von Storch, H., and F. W. Zwiers (Eds.) (1999), Statistical Analysis in Climate Research, 484 pp., Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, U. K.
(2) Wilks, D. S. (Ed.) (2006), Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences, Int. Geophys. Ser., vol. 59, 2nd ed., 627 pp., Academic, San Diego,Calif.

(3) Coles, S. (2001), An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values, Spring Series in Statistics, Springer-Verlag, London.
(4) Stedinger, J.R., R.M. Vogel and E. Foufoula-Georgiou (1993), Frequency Analysis of Extreme Events, Chapter 18, Handbook of Hydrology, D. Maidment (ed.), McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York. 

Variance Partitioning:
(1) Cox, D.R. and Solomon, P.J. (2003), Components of Variance, New York: Chapman & Hall. 
(2) Huang, N. E., Z. Shen, S. R. Long, M. C.Wu, H. H. Shih, Q. Zheng, N.-C. Yen, C. C. Tung, and H. H. Liu (1998), The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and nonstationary time series analysis, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 454, 903–993. (Cited 3310, admire!)